It doesn’t matter what level you are, at some point in your surfing journey you will hit the dreaded surf slump. Maybe you’re just coming out of a long surf-less winter, or you might have just lost your spark. It’s inevitable that you’ll plateau for...

Teaching people to surf for a living has got to be one of the best jobs in the world. You’re paid to share your love for surfing and get your students as stoked as you are! Sounds like the dream, right?...

If you’re new to surfing, paddling can be completely exhausting. Even when you’re a more experienced surfer, the wrong technique can still leave your shoulders and arms burning before you’ve even reached the lineup!...

Whatever your surfing dilemmas are, surf agony aunt Lily Plume is here to help you solve them. Level-headed and never judging, she's always been the go-to advice giver among her friends....

What a start to 2022! Gathering on a beautiful winter’s morning on an empty beach with perfect waves and a gentle offshore breeze, we couldn’t have asked for a better setting....