Women And Waves Ltd (W+W) is an activity provider based in Newquay, Cornwall.

This document sets out W+W policy on equality and diversity for staff and those who use/experience our services. 

The aim of the policy is to ensure that all employees, potential employees, volunteers, and consumers are treated in a fair and equitable manner regardless of their age, disability, marital status, family responsibility, race, colour, ethnic background, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. We value the differences, needs and contributions a diverse workforce and client base represents and we are committed to building a client base and programme of activities that reflects the diversity of our consumers and the communities that we serve.

W+W places an obligation upon all of our staff, volunteers, and suppliers to respect and act in accordance with this policy.

W+W will implement this policy by ensuring equality of opportunity for all staff or clients to use our services, as a basic right and will take such action as far as is reasonably practicable and may be deemed lawful, appropriate and necessary, to ensure that all staff and clients enjoy equality of opportunity.


W+W is committed to equal opportunities policy and practice and will ensure that all staff and clients users, both present and potential, are treated equally and as individuals regardless of age, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or parental status, political belief, race, religion or sexual orientation.

In implementing this policy the W+W Ltd will take account of existing legislation (as amended): the Race Relations Act 1976; the Sex Discrimination Act 1975; the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Acts 2006, 2010 and 2012.

This equal opportunities policy will be implemented across all aspects of the organisation’s work in:

  • The appointment of management and staff
  • All dealings with its clients and members of the public


W+W Ltd will aim to ensure that the management of the organisation is representative of members of the organisation. The Director and all staff will be responsible for ensuring that the equal opportunities policy is properly implemented, monitored and reviewed.


W+W Ltd will ensure that no member of staff receives less favourable treatment than another on grounds of age, disability, ethnic origin, marital or parental status, political belief, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

W+W Ltd is committed to undertaking open recruitment and selection procedures and all vacancies for staff will be advertised and fair and equitable processes will be followed. Volunteer helpers will be informed of the equal opportunities policy.


The nature and range of the activities provided by the W+W necessarily mean that some will be challenging and difficult to enable for some potential clients. Notwithstanding this, W+W aims to make its services accessible to as wide a range of clients as possible and in order to achieve this, will take steps to remove barriers which prevent potential audience, participants, clients or users from having equal access to the organisation’s activities. This will include:

As far as is reasonably practicable ensuring that activities take place in venues and locations which are accessible to disabled people. 

As far as is reasonably practicable offering facilities for disabled people to enable them to participate fully in activities

Where possible ensuring that the design of publicity material takes account of the needs of disabled people in terms of print, format and information access

Please note, some of our destinations will vary. Please contact us for more information.


W+W Ltd will treat everybody as an equal and will not unfairly discriminate against any person because of:

Race, colour, ethnic or national origins, nationality or religion (where you come from or where your past family or relations came from; the colour of your skin; your faith; your culture or lifestyle)

Accent, language, literacy, disability

Income or social background

Sex, marital status, caring responsibilities

Sexual orientation (whether you are gay, lesbian or heterosexual, whether you are a woman, man, or transgendered, married, living with someone or alone)

Who you choose to live with

Political or trade union activity

The ways in which you communicate; your ability to read or write; your impairments whether physical or mental

How old or young you are

Whether you have a low income or no income, are unemployed, work part-time, have multiple jobs or receive benefits

The fact that you care for young children or older people or those who need additional support