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14 February 2022 / Written by Lily Plume

Dear Lily: Your Surfing Dilemmas Answered!


Partner wants to go on a surf trip to the Canaries but you don’t feel ready for surfing abroad? Friends started a Whatsapp group without you because you’re not their level yet, but you’re nervous to surf alone? Husband bought you a board for Xmas but you hate the design and are embarrassed to surf it in public?Whatever your surfing dilemmas are, surf agony aunt Lily Plume is here to help you solve them. Level-headed and never judging, she’s always been the go-to advice giver among her friends.She’s also found herself in many a surf pickle. Like the time she bought a second-hand 7’6 surfboard in France without even thinking about how it would fit inside her tiny Fiat 500 to drive it home. Or the time she accidentally cut the elastic toggle on a brand new wetsuit thinking it was a label. Oh, and not forgetting that trip in Morocco when she dinged her friend’s hand-shaped longboard on her first wave of the day (ouch).Yep, Lily is no stranger to making a kooky fool of herself – but she’s been surfing for years and learned from it all! So can be relied upon for the best advice. We assure you, your surfing predicaments and pickles are safe with her. All letters will be answered anonymously in our newsletter because we figured that if one of you is facing a dilemma, chances are a few more of us might find ourselves in the same sticky situation.So, if you have a surfing dilemma that you need advice on, write to Lily via with the subject heading: ‘Dear Lily I’ve got a dilemma!’

And remember – no question or conundrum is too silly!


Lily Plume

We're an all-female surf collective. We offer surf coaching weekends and international surfing holidays to women of all ages, experiences and backgrounds. Enjoy our online coaching tips, blog, surf society members’ discussion group and surfing workshops, and we have a shop jam-packed with Women + Waves merchandise.