Maximise your surf sessions with these essential wetsuit hacks tailored just for women surfers! Whether you’re battling with soggy suits, struggling with zippers, or just want to stay warmer in the water, we’ve got you covered. Dive in and make your wetsuit work for you!
How to dry your wetsuit
We’ve all been there, you get out of the water, take your wetsuit off and just chuck it in a corner of your car or in your bath… and then regret it the next time you want to surf when you have to climb into a wet wetsuit!
That’s why we’re here to help! Need some tips on how to dry it for next time? We’ve got you covered!
Tip 1 – Use a hanger
Firstly you need a hanger, but you’re not going to use it how you’d first think. If you were hanging a shirt, you’d hang it by the shoulders, but this is not what you want to do – wet wetsuits are heavy and will stretch your suit! We recommend using a C-Monsta Hanger or a hanger with a bar and folding your wetsuit in half over it.
Tip 2 – Keep your wetsuit out of direct sunlight
Although this feels like an easier way to dry your suit, the UV rays will damage the neoprene and decrease it’s lifespan. Find a shaded place with a breeze for the best drying conditions. Don’t forget to bring it inside at night as it will get cold and damp again!
Tip 3 – Which way round should you dry your wetsuit?
We’ve found that if your suit has a quick dry material on the inside (like Rip Curl’s flash lining), it dries best inside out. If not as the inner is only neoprene, try drying it the right way around. But either way, you want to dry the inside and the outside.
Tip 4 – Don’t forget to rinse your suit!
This stops it smelling and makes your wetsuit last longer. So don’t forget to wash the salt off with fresh water post-surf. We also recommend Rip Curl’s ‘Piss Off wetsuit shampoo or Milton if your wetsuit needs some extra cleaning (don’t worry, we’ve definitely all had to pee in our suits!)
Putting on your wetsuit
Step 1 – Get a changing robe
You can either choose a towel-changing robe or a Dry Robe that has a waterproof exterior and a warm inner. Useful for post-surf drying but also so you don’t have to worry about your modesty!
Step 2 – Use a pair of socks or a plastic bag
You want to put both legs in first, and then pull it up to your waist – to make this easier, you can use a pair of socks or plastic bags on your feet and your feet will slide right in so you can pull your suit up with ease.
Step 3 – One arm at a time
From your waist, you want to pull your wetsuit up to your chest and put in one arm at a time – you’ll probably get stuck if you do two at once!
Step 4 – The final step
You know your wetsuit is on properly when you’ve pulled out all the creases and it’s nice and comfortable under your arms. If you have a back zip wetsuit you might want to ask a friend to help, or if you have a chest zip, just pull it over and you’re ready to go! (Top tip: if you have long hair, it’s best to tie it up first).
So there you have it, some useful tips to make caring for and wearing your wetsuit even easier.
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